Sunday, October 7, 2012

La «Marche des salopes» (updated)

[NDLR:  En ce qui concerne une quelquonque "marches des salopes", nous n'avons que faire.   Mais quant à la "marche de l'empereur", voici: ]

[Update 12 Sept 2013] A new phrase for your vocabulary,  "le naturisme sauvage " -- which we might translate as "guerilla nudism":

    Le naturisme sauvage, une pratique qui flirte avec la légalité

For a related tale of guerilla toplessness, consult this:

[Update 7 Oct 2012]  Photos from the latest Parisian “slutwalk”:

Once again, feminist hypocrites strut the streets,  proclaiming their right to dress like whores, while reveling in their moral superiority over the men they thus arouse.

I’ll teach *you* to stare at my décolletée !

Men:   If you can find a pure and faithful woman, marry her in church, have children, raise them in faith,  and be true to one another  till death you depart.
Otherwise, in a world like this, my best advice is:  Mathematics and monasticism.

[Late-night update]  Ye lads and lasses!
Despair not,  yet do ye shun
the filth and downfall of our present culture,

and seek the sweetness,  that our great-great-grandsires   once did know
in the springtide of mankind:

Present Mirth Hath Present Laughter

~     ~     ~ 

[Original post, from the same time last year]
Yet another flower of American culture has been exported to France:  the SlutWalk.  But apparently couture tends to be a bit more comme il faut over there, because, in the Figaro photo, the demoiselles do not appear to be dressed (to our jaundiced eye) in any particularly provocative way -- that snapshot could have been taken in any mall in America.   The only difference is that, on our shores, many of the ladies so attired would weigh a couple of hundred pounds.

And once again, the readers’ comments do not disappoint -- witty and linguistically interesting.

Chacun est libre de s'habiller comme il veut. Mais entre une jupe ras la pâquerette et une burqa, on devrait trouver un juste milieu..

This choice expression, “ras la pâquerette”, is new to me;  it is quite evocative.

Si cela vous parle,
savourez la série noire
en argot authentique d’Amérique :

~     ~     ~ 

In the anything-goes sectors of America, you have to push the envelope a little harder to get noticed.  In San Francisco, your Constitutional right to display your big hairy butt in public  is being spearheaded by middle-aged whiteskin fatguys:

O tempora, O ...  ahh, fageddaboudit.

Pour d’autres friandises
de la confiserie 
du docteur Justice,


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