Sunday, October 14, 2012

Base Ingratitude

It is our sad duty to report that certain elements of the People’s Popular Free and Independent Autoproclaimed Emirate of Revolutionary Islamic AZAWAD -- specifically, the MUJAO (Mouvement pour l'unicité et le jihad en Afrique de l'Ouest; English MUJWA), is now biting the hand that has so long generously fed it, by threatening to kill their French hostages.   They have threatened

d’"ouvrir les portes de l'enfer" aux otages français si Paris poursuit ses appels à une intervention internationale dans le nord du Mali. Ces menaces coïncident avec la première tournée de François Hollande en Afrique.
"Il ne sera pas capable de compter les corps des expatriés français en Afrique de l'Ouest et ailleurs".

This is base ingratitude.   French taxpayers have shelled out millions upon millions of francs and later euros  in ransom, over many years;  they have been among the most generous sources of finance for terrorists freedom fighters throughout Africa and the Middle East.  And this is the thanks they get?

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